Strategies for Recruiting the Talent You Need When Starting a Business

You know going in that starting a business is no easy feat. Unfortunately, unless you’ve ever started a business from the ground up, there will be a number of things you simply aren’t prepared for. Finding the right talent to work with you is something you probably hadn’t considered. If that is the case, you may not even know exactly what you need in terms of staffing various departments. Here are some strategies you can use when looking for the top talent you need to launch your startup.

Define Steps to the Endgame

Obviously, the endgame is running a successful business. However, what will it take to do that? Are you going to be manufacturing products for sale, offering services or selling products made elsewhere? Perhaps you’ll be starting a distributorship or a restaurant or even a car dealership. Before you can run a successful business, you need to look at how many departments you will need to efficiently organize and operate a company.

Define Job Classifications

Now that you’ve outlined the various departments you need to staff, what are the job classifications within each department? For example, in accounting do you need an accountant or are there other professionals who could balance your books? Perhaps a bookkeeper or office manager could do the routine day to day tasks, necessitating an accountant to periodically go over your books quarterly and, of course, at tax time.

If you are totally unfamiliar with the workings of a department and you aren’t sure what kind of talent to employ, check out sites like There you will find job descriptions, what it is they do, what they expect to be paid, and the education or experience necessary for the job.

Network at Trade Shows

If you know the positions that need filling but you are reluctant to simply put an ad online or in the classifieds, why not network at trade shows. They don’t even need to be local trade shows because recruits are often aware of the fact that they may need to relocate to get that once-in-a-lifetime job with a startup that has major growth potential.

Whether you pull the top talent from another business or find recruits looking for placement, if you know what you are looking for, trade shows offer one of the best ways of grabbing great talent easily under one roof.

In the End, It Is All About Knowing What You Need

The key to recruiting the talent you need when starting a business is to first define how your company will run and what departments you will need to set up. After that, it’s a matter of looking at the types of staff you will need in each department and then you can begin to look at what each job classification entails.

Strategies are dependent on understanding what you hope to accomplish and why it’s so important to have a good working knowledge of each position to be filled. Get this done right and you will be off to a good start. Remember, you can’t do it alone so choose the team you can work with and the rough going at the beginning just got that much smoother.

3 Ways to Lift Morale with Team Building in London

None of us like feeling like outcasts, least of all when we go to work. In order for a team of workers to perform at their absolute best they need to be comfortable around one another and have a good sense of community.

Creating a happier and more productive work environment should be a constant consideration for any good manager. Studies have repeatedly shown that happier workers are more productive.

Even if your employees have worked alongside one another for quite some time there is still value to be found in organising a team building event. Working through activities, puzzles, and challenges as a team isn’t just an effective method for breaking the ice with new acquaintances, it is also an excellent way to foster and reinforce the connections that your workers have developed with one another.

There is an endless array of potential team building activities which have proven to be effective training and motivational tools. By encouraging your workforce to bond with one another, you will be ensuring that they function as effectively as possible when operating as a team.

Many of us have had the unfortunate experience of working in a tense or less than friendly work environment. These kinds of places can be intimidating, even for experienced workers, and an unfriendly atmosphere will have an effect on how all those who work within it perceive their jobs.

Team building is therefore a very effective tool for raising the morale of your workforce and of encouraging every employee to give their absolute best effort all the time, and you’d be surprised at the wide range of different options for team building activities in London that you can find if you know where to look. In this article we take a look at three of the team building exercises which produce the best results in terms of raising morale amongst your staff.


Even if we don’t have any first-hand experience of working in a kitchen, we all know that a chef’s job is stressful. Remove the customers and commercial imperative, however, and cooking food instead becomes the kind of thing that we might do to relax at the end of the day. Some groups like to add a competitive element to their cooking, perhaps by organising to have any food produced judged by a panel.

Cooking is an effective team building exercise because it requires participants to identify their own skills, and those of the rest of the group, so that they can efficiently organise themselves.

Treasure Hunt

No matter how old you are, treasure hunts are always good fun. The urban sprawl of our capital city makes it the perfect location for a treasure hunting activity. Whether you decide to give participants a list of clues to lead them to the location of physical objects, or instead send them out to gather photographs of various landmarks, a treasure hunt will encourage the participants to work together.

Treasure hunts make for great bonding and morale boosting exercises, in large part due to the fact that, while it encourages your workers to come together and practice working as a team, it is more relaxed and less immediate than many other teambuilding exercises. Sometimes it is beneficial for everyone to take things slower.

Graffiti Workshop

Art, in all its forms, is a powerful tool for therapy. Both individuals and groups can benefit a great deal from engaging artistically with one another and the world around them. Graffiti is more than just obscene scrawling on the wall, it is one of the purest forms of street art around and London provides the perfect backdrop for indulging in it.

The only limit on the kind of activities that you can undertake with your workers, in order to boost morale and foster the relationships between members of your staff, is your own imagination. The above activities are just a small selection of the endless opportunities that exist.

3 Easy Ways You Can Improve Employee Engagement – Starting Today

While a small fraction of the workforce says it is thinking of quitting at any moment, surveys have found that a large majority of the workforce is “disengaged”. They are at work, putting in the minimum to get by, but not fully engaged. An engaged workforce is more productive, creative and emotionally healthy. Here are three easy ways you can improve employee engagement, starting today.

Ask Their Opinions and Then Act on Them

Forget the suggestion box or brainstorming session once a year. Review all the ideas you’ve been given to improve the workplace and start implementing them. If you’re faced with a problem, before you rush to an outside consultant, ask your own team how things could be improved. Even better is when staff are given the authority to improve things in their own area, whether better organizing their work area or altering process flow.

Give Useful Training and Coaching

It is amazing how many workplaces assume that a new hire is ready to go as soon as all the HR paperwork is filled out. New employees should be connected with someone to ensure that they are fully on-boarded. How do they get what they need to do their jobs? Who should they ask for guidance when they aren’t sure about something? How do you get an account for every piece of software you use in the course of the day, and how do you learn how to use it? You’ll see far greater engagement from new hires when they feel supported in their integration into the team.

Offering training that upgrades one’s skills so they are suitable for higher positions dramatically increases engagement. If the company wants to see even greater engagement and increase in productivity, pay for continuing education outside of the workplace. For example, the company’s benefits program paying an employee’s tuition for an executive leadership masters online is training a future manager, while requiring the person to work for the company for several more years to pay back that favor.

Apply Lean Principles to Everything

One way to improve employee engagement is to ask employees for their input on what to streamline. You can start small. What company rules and regulations could be removed today and dramatically increase productivity, assuming the rule isn’t required for legal compliance or public safety? Then eliminate the rule. Employees see that management isn’t just asking for advice but taking it. They feel empowered and start giving more feedback on ways to improve the organization. A good masters in executive leadership should discuss multiple process improvement methodologies that teach you how to make systematic small improvements while making sure you sustain the gains with each change.


Employee engagement can be improved pretty quickly if you use the proper procedures. Start by providing useful training to new hires and existing employees so that they are better able to do their jobs and move into better ones. Ask employees their opinions and then heed them. And try to streamline work processes so that procedures don’t become hindrances to getting work done.

Tips For Running A Smoother Business

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article
Trying to manage a business without a strategy is an approach that simply doesn’t work. You have to have people, processes and plans in place that show exactly where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. It’s not a good idea to go into building a company blindly with hopes for what may happen.

If you’re struggling to keep your business afloat, for whatever reason, don’t give up before trying a few different solutions that may help you get back on track. The great news about having a rocky company is that there are opportunity and the ability to fix it. See tips for running a smoother business.

Have A Business Plan in Place

Sit down with your business partners and come up with a detailed business plan for your company. Look at immediate growth and where you see yourselves years down the road. Consider the various departments and what resources you’re going to need for each of the different areas. Be specific and work out the kinks on the spot, so they don’t emerge at a later date when you’re least expecting it.

Find A Reliable IT Solution

IT is super important when it comes to managing and running a business smoothly. Technology is the backbone of all you do, and you need it to work properly at all times. Choose a company based on their talent and track record, like Custard Technical Services, so that you’re confident they’ll deliver on their promise. Pick a partner who will help you become more dynamic, productive, secure and future-proof, through innovative IT solutions for your business problems.

Hire Smart

Your people are what’s going to make or break you in the long run. Avoid hiring quickly to fill voids. Take your time and do it right the first time, which will save you more money over time. Put a human resources department in place who’s going to help you succeed and fill the open roles appropriately. You need competent employees who work hard and know what questions to ask. Hiring the right people will make your life easier, the business run smoother and clients more satisfied.

Focus on Customer Relationships

You need to have a customer relationship management solution in place, so no one’s getting left behind or forgotten about. Have processes in place that new hires can follow and quickly understand how you work with clients and what the sales and onboarding process looks like. Clients should be your number one focus, and your business will have no choice but to run smoother and with fewer problems. You have to make it a part of the culture, so that no matter who’s interacting with the customer, they know what to do and say to help.


Your business won’t function properly on its own. You have to be willing to put in the hard work it takes to make it better. It’s all about processes, systems and implementing solutions. These are tips for running a smoother business.

Why Your Company Needs a Mobile Marketing Strategy

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article
As a business, you want to make the best of your brand as possible. That means you need to have an effective marketing strategy that will attract customers and encourage them to make a purchase. You might not think that you need a dedicated mobile strategy when it comes to marketing. However, when you consider that most searches online now happen on cell phones and tablets, it makes sense to have one.

What Type of Mobile Marketing do You Need?

When you think about mobile marketing, you are probably thinking about those ads that pop up on games. Although they are a good way to get your brand in front of people, they aren’t the only way to advertise on cell phones.

  • Over 80 percent of mobile use involves apps, so it is the perfect medium to get your brand in front of your audience. While you can create your own app for your business, it isn’t essential. There are many other ways such as Google AdMob to get your advertising onto other creator’s apps.
  • If you are a company that wants to attract more local people to your business, then you can use location-based marketing. It enables ads to be shown to the user if they get near to the location.
  • Another useful type of marketing is SMS based advertising. You are able to send targeted SMS messages to your customers with details of deals and special events. Companies such as Reach Interactive provide you with the ability to send bulk SMS marketing campaigns to your audience which can help retain customers as well as new clients.
  • When someone searches on their cell phone, they will often see targeted ads on the search results. These types of mobile search ads are different from those on laptops, and you can direct users to a different part of your site if you wish.

Email Marketing

People use their cell phones continuously; they check their emails on the go rather than wait until they get home, and that means you can use email marketing to reach your customers. The trick is to keep the content engaging and try to tailor the emails to your customer’s tastes. You can also offer promotional codes, deals and money off coupons and a link to your website to make easy for them to buy.

Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

There is no point trying these mobile marketing techniques if your website isn’t mobile-friendly. You want all your content to be visible and easy to read on a small screen. Otherwise, you may find that viewers will be put off and click away. If you have made the site yourself using a web builder, there are usually options to convert it into a mobile-friendly version so that you can test your design to make sure that it works properly.

Your marketing campaign is a vital part of your business and adding a mobile element along with the other parts of your campaign will allow you to reach your customers much easier.