Four Ways to Control How Your Business is Perceived

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article
In today’s global economy, competition is fiercer than ever, and businesses need to do everything that can to stand out from the crowd. Understanding and controlling how your business is perceived is crucial if you want to be sure you not only get the attention of your customers, but also leave the right impression.

Ask for feedback

Before you make any changes to the corporate image of your brand or business, you first need to understand what the current perception is. The best way to achieve this is to ask for as much feedback as possible. Don’t restrict your enquiries to your current customer base – they are likely happy with the status quo otherwise they would not be using you. Instead, find out how your brand is perceived by those currently making use of other services, especially those of your closest rivals.

In this digital age, the perception of your business matters more than ever as it is the fundamental reason why consumers choose one product over another. Potential customers don’t only want to be sure that they are getting good value for money for the products or services they buy, they also want to be able to feel good about what they are doing.

Use high-quality promotional materials

Bespoke printed folders with contents that perfectly match the nature of your business are a great way to ensure your company or services are perceived in the way you wish. They not only boost awareness of your brand but also its identity. The flexibility of the format means your folders can contain anything from price lists and press releases to sales brochures or vouchers for special officers. You can also adjust the size of your folder to enable it to carry a DVD or other multi-media material. Position these around your office and reception area; use them for meetings and give them to customers and clients.

Stay on top of your social media accounts

With the right combination of tweets, posts and stories, your social media accounts can help you connect with millions of people all over the world. However, one slip-up can have lasting repercussions. In 2014 a young employee of American Apparel tasked with finding a picture to fit in with a 4th of July celebration posted a picture of what turned out to be the Space Shuttle Challenger exploding to the corporate Tumblr account. The image was swiftly removed and an apology posted, but the damage had already been done with many perceiving the company to be insensitive and incompetent.

Keep on top of your social media and use your accounts as a means to connect with your customers. If a mistake is made, apologize.

Avoid complacency

The world continues to change at a rapid pace, but if your business insists on standing still and doing things the ways they have always been done, it will soon be seen as a dinosaur and get left behind. Always keep tabs on the competition and any key developments in the field in which you operate. By being aware of potential changes to the market well in advance, you’ll be in a position to ensure your products and services remain desirable for decades to come and cement a reputation for being a forward-thinking organization.

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider a New Career

A change of careers isn’t for everyone. After all, it usually puts you right at the bottom of the career ladder and you need to prove yourself again. However, if you’ve been feeling down in the dumps recently and you’re struggling to get out of bed every morning, you’ve probably given it some serious thought. Your mood shouldn’t be the only reason for wanting a change, though, as there are a few other reasons why sometimes, it’s just the right thing to contemplate.

1. Little to No Career Progression

If you’ve worked hard for the last 5 years and you haven’t benefitted from anything other than a slight salary increase (usually due to inflation), then it could be the perfect time to take your skills to new levels. Many businesses out there don’t do enough for their employees in terms of career progression opportunities, so it’s left in your hands to just carry on being miserable on the same wage bracket or doing something about it, like changing careers.

2. Job Security

If there’s talk of the business you’re currently working for going down the pan in the near future, it could be time to get out while you can. Don’t always listen to rumors, though, first do your research and see if it’s factual. If it is, get out now and spend the next few months working for a company that can offer you more security and more opportunities.

3. Better Salary

Of course, the main reason why so many people change careers is purely because they can get a better salary elsewhere, so what’s stopping you from doing the same? We could all do with a better salary, working conditions, and even less working hours, but not all of that is possible unless you’re willing to make the change. If you have absolutely zero chance of getting a better salary where you are, consider a career change today and better your future from tomorrow.

4. A New Learning Curve

Just because you’re a fully qualified nurse doesn’t mean you can’t change to a career in retail working for the likes of Aeropostale. As a nurse, you’ve probably been under the cosh for years to try and please all patients and you’ve got no rewards for doing so. Working in retail could mix things up a bit, and it could put you on a completely different learning curve when it comes to selling clothes. Look at to see what sort of careers you could land when working for one of the top retailers in the United states.

5. Develop Your Knowledge & Personal Skills

You can only develop your knowledge and personal skills so much when you’re working in a dead-end job. So, it could be time to make a change so you can have a much better future as far as your personal skills are concerned. Higher confidence, more motivation, better customer skills and much more awaits you when you start a new career.

Changing careers is never easy. You will miss the colleagues you’ve grown close to, you may have to travel further, and you may even get less time with your family. However, if you’re looking to make a successful career, these are the sort of things you must be willing to give up, especially if you’re wanting to start a new career in an industry with more job opportunities.

Top 3 Reasons Why Happy Employees Are Good for Business

Employees are your business’s biggest assets. Your company can only grow as rapidly as the growth of the employees that support it. In a market as competitive as today, employees also act as a competitive advantage.

Recent studies have shown that keeping employees happy is a great investment. Businesses whose employees are happy produce better results and can be more agile on the market. Aside from the boost in agility, there are other reasons why happy employees are good for business.

Higher Employee Engagement

Happy employees are 12% more productive according to a study by University of Warwick. The spike in productivity is a great thing for your business, especially when you take into account the collective effect that spike produces when the majority of the employees are happy.

It doesn’t stop at productivity either. Happy employees have higher employee engagement in general. This means they are more likely to take initiatives, come up with creative ideas and solutions, and make steps to further contribute to the success of the company.

Higher employee engagement also leads to lower friction within the organization. Engaged employees will speak up about issues they come across in an attempt to maintain a healthy and pleasant working environment. The business will run at a much higher efficiency this way; the 12% boost in productivity we discussed earlier will have an even bigger impact at this stage.

Fewer (Costly) Errors

The biggest cost for a business isn’t the cost of production or operations, but the mistakes employees make along the way. A simple mistake can lead to a much bigger cost too; when a sales officer failed to meet the customer’s deadline, for instance, the loss in sales can be catastrophic to the business’s growth.

This is where keeping employees happy comes into its own. Happy employees have better ability to stay focused. They are result-oriented and goal-driven too. Pair these traits with the higher employee engagement, and you have the perfect recipe for minimizing costly errors in business operations.

You can use online resources such as to find out more about what employees expect from a position or a career. Creating a better compensation package and providing employees with clear career paths are among the best ways to boost employee happiness and increase their ability to perform well at work.

Healthier Team

Lastly, there is the added benefit of having a healthier team when your employees are happy. Happy employees live better and longer. They tend to take fewer sick days and are more economical to insure too. These may seem like small advantages to gain, but they are advantages worth pursuing nonetheless.

The attempt to boost employee happiness can go hand in hand with that of creating a healthier team. By introducing a corporate fitness program, for example, you can help employees stay healthy and happy in the long run.

At the end of the day, you don’t need researches and studies to come to the conclusion that happy employees are good for business. Through a better working environment, a clear career path, and a supportive organization, the right investment in employee happiness can produce a great return for the business.

Your Workforce Will Be Happier If You Do These Things

Every great business needs a happy workforce behind it. No business got off the ground or became successful with a team of grumbling employees who were resentful of the things they had to do. A happy workforce means a higher quality of work. How can you make your workforce happier? Do these things…

Be A Better Boss

A boss in this day and age shouldn’t be somebody who watches from the sidelines and gives people orders. It’s somebody who’s willing to get their hands dirty and go above and beyond for their team. It’s somebody who has an open door policy, listens, and wants to make things as enjoyable as possible for them. You need to genuinely care about your employees to be a great boss. They’ll be able to tell if you’re genuine or not too. You’re not going to get people doing their best work or building a great reputation if you’re only worried about yourself in business.

Make Their Lives Easier

How can you make your employees lives easier? Could you maybe ensure that they have the supplies they need to make lunch, with a microwave, refrigerator, and kettle? Could you ensure they have the highest quality equipment, as well as implement trustworthy programs to help them get things done faster? You can automate some processes, but with others, you’re going to need to find better ways of simplifying. There’s a reason programs like Excel are so popular. You can check out the infographic below if you think this is something you could use.

Credit to STL