How Businesses Can Become More Accessible

Most businesses are trying to do more to make their environment more accessible for customers and employees alike. There is a degree of pressure upon businesses to use their funding to ensure that everyone has the support and access they need, particularly if they have a mental or physical disability. There are several ways in which businesses can tackle the problem of being inaccessible.

Physical Adjustments

Controversially, there are currently no laws which require businesses to include lifts or ramps- if they currently don’t have employees who need them. However, there are reasonable adjustment laws which state that businesses must commit to making some changes to ensure that disabled employees can work at the business. Reasonable adjustments can include an accessible interview room on the first floor or access to affordable used mobility scooters where necessary. However, businesses should really be proactive about making their office space or shop more accessible for everyone by installing ramps and providing bathrooms for people with disabilities. After all, a more diverse workforce is great for business.

Accessible Support Materials

How many times do you receive a printed presentation at work? When presentations or support materials are printed out and distributed, it’s likely this is done without a second thought. However, the ability to provide support materials in a variety of different formats, such as with large print or written in braille, will ensure that everyone can read them. The same applies to signage around the business, keep it clear and easy to read to ensure that visitors and staff alike can get to where they need to go without difficulty.

Obstruction-Free Spaces

Businesses don’t have to spend a fortune to make their workplace more accessible for everyone; they can simply make sure that all obstructions which could prevent people from moving around the business are removed. Stray wastepaper bins, boxes and plants are common problems that people with disabilities have to navigate around. It’s also worthwhile making your business accommodating towards service animals where possible, particularly if there’s currently a “no dogs” rule implemented. Simple gestures like this can demonstrate that you are a forward-thinking and accommodating business.

Equality Training

Most businesses are proud to offer an equal opportunities environment. However, when it comes to implementing this, many members of staff may be unclear or unconfident about how to best to behave. Employees and employers alike need to be sensitive and informed about disabilities in order to break down these barriers. Providing training which covers how best to help people with limited mobility, or the correct way to interact with service dogs, will provide your staff with the confidence to behave appropriately and make sure that everyone is included and treated equally. The business should also implement people-first and inclusive language, as it is more positive. This simply means that you say “people or person with disabilities”, instead of “disabled person” and you ensure that all training materials and contracts include clauses that refer to people with disabilities too.

8 Myths About Trading Debunked

The world of trading can be challenging and confusing, but it also offers you the opportunity to make a lot of money and diversify your investment portfolio so that you can remain financially secure as you get older. But there are some myths about trading that should be debunked, whether you are already involved in trading or you are thinking about getting into it. Keep reading to learn more so you can have a better understanding of what trading is all about.

1. Online Trading Is Not Safe

One of the myths that you may have heard about online trading is that it is not safe and secure. But the truth is that it can actually be totally safe and secure, and it can put you in the driver’s seat of your trades, rather than relying upon a broker, if that is what you desire. With high quality trading platforms like Stern Options, you have a lot of choices that will make getting into the world of trading easier, and you can also keep making money from your trades by doing it all online and from wherever you are located.

2. To Trade Options, You Need to Invest a Lot

When it comes to trading options, many people think that you need to have a lot of money to get started. But the truth is that you really do not need that much money. Every trader has to begin somewhere, and you often only need a few thousand dollars to get started. You can use this small investment to access the market and then reinvest any profits that you make so that you can keep watching your money grow over time. Besides, when you are first starting out and learning the ropes, you do not want to invest a huge chunk of money that you could risk losing.

3. To Trade Stocks, You Need to Be Rich

Too many people think that trading stocks also requires a lot of money, and that the stock market is sort of like a club that only rich people can get into. But with online trading making it easier than ever to research stocks and invest in them whenever you want, this myth is easily debunked.

4. A Popular Company Is Going to Have Great Stocks

When people first enter the stock market to start trading shares, they might assume that the most popular brands are going to be the most successful on the market. But this is not true. Just because you read news about a particular organization doing very well does not mean that you should invest in their stock right away. Instead, it is always wise to conduct a complete analysis prior to investing. You want to look into the company’s financials so that you can see just how sound the brand really is, and so that you can determine if the trend of growth will continue. And you also want to look at the valuation so that you can determine if the stock is valued expensively, cheaply, or fairly.

5. You Should Not Risk More Than 2% Per Trade

A lot of people are also under the impression that you should not invest more than 2% on a trade. This piece of advice is meant to help you avoid spending too much and ruining your entire account. However, the truth is that you should consider a few factors before deciding upon how much you will invest per trade. This includes the trading timeframe, your own tolerance for risk, and the system’s performance.

6. Complex Strategies Are Better Than Simple Ones

Depending upon whom you talk to, you might hear that a complex trading strategy is better than a simple trading strategy, or vice versa. The truth is that there is no one solution to trading. Some individuals are able to make a lot of money by following some pretty complex trading strategies, while offers are able to keep things simple and still make a great return on their investment. Basically, every trader will trade a bit differently than the next trader, and what works for you may not work for someone else, so it is up to you to test the market and try out different strategies until you find the ones that work best for you.

7. Trading Stocks Is Like Gambling

There are many people who, unfortunately, will view trading stocks on the market as the equivalent of gambling at the casino. This is simply not true. When you invest in stocks, you will need to do a good amount of research if you want your assets to grow. The right amount of research and diversification of your investment portfolio will help you minimize your risks and ensure your money will grow. The same can’t be said for gambling, for which there is little rhyme or reason. Besides, when you invest in stocks, you are investing in companies and you are following their profits and losses.

8. Stocks Inevitably Fall

Yet another common myth in the world of stock trading involves this idea that every stock, no matter how high it goes, must eventually come back down. But that does not always happen. If you are able to find a really successful business that has great managers and long-term success, you can ride that wave, and you will not need to worry about the stock price falling. Of course, there will be fluctuations no matter what, but there is no rule that says a stock price has to go back down to its starting point or below that starting point. You can invest and watch your money grow over time, even if you do hit a few days during which the price drops a bit before it recovers.

Now that you have a clearer understanding of some of the most common myths about trading, you can enter the market and start trading in a way that will ensure your money will grow. Remember, stocks go up and stocks go down, so you will hit some losses every now and then. The key is to stick it out and then sell high after buying low.

The Invisible Human Errors That Nobody Notices

Human error is everywhere and often difficult to avoid without implementing the proper tools. More often than not, human error is the reason number One for the purchase of high-quality tech software solutions, so that a variety of business processes can be automated for best quality. Other entrepreneurs suggest deploying careful recruiting methods to ensure that you get only highly qualified professionals to work with you. However, while it seems that human error is another work for lack of skills and attention, it would be incorrect to assume that there is no other kind of human error. In fact, the workplace is full of invisible mistakes and behaviors that are perpetuated under your very eyes but that you don’t see. They can be damaging to your team, your production and your overall business. It’s time to start the hunt for the invisible human errors that eat away your employees’ health and sanity, day after day.

Do you know what’s going on in your office?

Unhealthy stress management

We get it: Every workplace is a stressful environment, from the impossibly short deadlines to the difficult client. The workload piles up, your staff stays longer hours, and somehow the stressful situation seems to normalize any unhealthy stress management behavior, from heavy drinking to the abuse of hard substances. It may be invisible to the naked eye, but you should pay close attention to people’s habits and natural warmth to detect the early signs of an addictive behavior. More often than not, a drug test can confirm your suspicion. That’s why it’s essential as a manager to monitor workloads and offer stress management classes before it’s too late.

Emotional abuse

Millions of employees of all ages, ethnic and racial backgrounds hate going to work. Why should they like it, when staying at home all day might sound a lot more appealing, you ask. These employees hate the workplace because they’ve fallen victim of emotional bullying, from colleagues, managers or subordinates. The problem with this form of emotional abuse is that it directly attacks a person’s competence, integrity and dignity over an extensive period of time in such a way that it can go unnoticed. The victims live in a state of psychological terror, which can be aggravated by bad-mouthing, isolation, criticism, etc. This destructive attack can lead to depression, anxiety disorder and extended sick leaves. It’s your responsibility to keep your eyes open for any peculiar behavior so that you can offer support to those who need it and help them to stop the abuse.

Air pollution inside the office

So you’ve got a trendy office in town with an air con and a fantastic view of the city? That’s great but how pure and fresh is your air? Fungal spores, chemicals and smoke can be harmful to human health as they create what is called indoor air pollution. If your office has not implemented any air purification solution — from using specialist plants to sophisticated ventilation systems — it’s likely that your team might be suffering from the sick-building syndrome.

In conclusion, it’s vital that companies rethink their health and safety protocols to offer sufficient coverage for several invisible human errors that impact both business growth and personal wellness.

Why Professional Development Is Key to Your Success

Focusing on improving your individual skills is essential to moving forward in your career. Although some people don’t push for it as much as others, that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. If you’re someone who’s on the fence about it for yourself, then you’ve come to the right place.

You won’t get very far doing what you’ve always done. You and your company will suffer from you not advancing your skills. It’s worth setting aside extra time to work on yourself and improve your foundation. There’s never a downside to increasing your knowledgebase. See why professional development is key to your success.

Knowledge & Education

For starters, you’ll learn new knowledge when you participate in professional development courses and activities. You’re going to get smarter and that’s a positive outcome. You can use your new knowledge and apply it to your career and personal life. It’ll get you a leg up on your competition and chances are you’ll move quicker toward that next promotion. You aren’t going to get too far relying on the information you once brought to the table from college. Always be learning and growing if you want to thrive.


Your confidence will grow the more you invest in yourself. You’ll have the self-assurance to suggest changes and updates at work without having the fear of being turned down. For example, if you believe your company’s in need of a more modern website to sell your products, you’ll do the research and suggest a solid option like Eventige to help you out. You can express how the intuitive and simple design will guide customers to your products seamlessly. This confidence will stem from you taking your professional development opportunities seriously.

Challenges You

It’s healthy to be challenged once in a while. Being bored at work isn’t doing much for you and will only leave you feeling drained and tiresome. Participating in professional development activities puts your mind to the test and forces you out of your comfort zone. It’s also a great way to meet other people at face-to-face events and build relationships. Going through your same routine each day isn’t stretching you and helping to shape your full potential. There’s nothing wrong with feeling like you don’t know a subject matter well and having to ask questions to learn more.

People Skills

Professional development opportunities help you brush up on your people skills. This is great for anyone doing business with others or someone having to converse a lot with others in the office. It’s also good to be able to speak in front of groups and communicate your ideas clearly with people. Your reading, writing and socializing skills are ones that can always be improved upon, no matter who you are. It’ll bring you out of your shell and you’ll become less nervous as you practice.


Knowing it all isn’t anything to brag about. What’s worth boasting about is learning new information on a constant basis. This is why professional development is key to your success.

5 Business Opportunities To Consider In The Healthcare Industry

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article
Photo courtesy of Pexels

When you’re trying to come up with the right idea for your future business, you’re likely to find yourself faced with a range of different options. Not only might you like to go with something that’s going to be a success, ideally it’s also going to be something that you either enjoy, or know a lot about. Because you’re going to have to market it, sell it, and live and breathe it. If you have a medical background, or you’re looking to get into the healthcare industry and you’re willing to train, you might in interested in a health-based business idea. Of which there are many, yet here are five for you to consider.

Medical Practice

If you’re a trained doctor, or you’re thinking about going to medical school, you could look into opening your own medical practice. Starting your own medical practice might seem like big business, and in a lot of ways, it is. But, it’s also an incredible way to ensure that you’re able to reach your potential as both a medical professional and a business person. If you’re planning on become a doctor, or already work for another practice, your next step along could be to go it alone. So launching your own practice makes a lot of sense.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Or maybe you’re not medically trained, and you’re not looking to wait much longer to get going with your business idea. When that’s the case, you’re going to need to go in a different direction. And that direction could be towards pharmaceutical manufacturing. At this point, you might be wondering if you need either experience or money, this post will give you an honest answer to that, and help you to get started.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article
Photo courtesy of Pexels

Healthcare Consultancy

You could also think about consultancy. Maybe you’re interested in psychology, or you’re currently finishing up your psychology studies? Then why not think about starting your own therapist’s office, over working for someone else? Perhaps your medical experience is in another field? Well, then you could think about going into consultancy and providing your expertise and insight to hospitals that need the support.

Senior Care

But you could also think more along the lines of the care industry, rather than the medicine side of things. You should be able to find that senior care business opportunities provide you with the career choice you’ve been looking for. Combining both entrepreneurship and healthcare, you’ll be able to start running a profitable business that you can enjoy, as well as provide an incredible service to the seniors in your local area.

Healthcare Facility

Finally, there’s also the idea of starting a healthcare facility, like a senior care home. If you have experience in the elderly care industry and you’ve always wanted to be able to run your own show, this is the idea for you. You will need to find the right location, and look out for reputable staff that can bring your business to life, but if you’re serious about making it a success and creating a place the community can value, it will all be worthwhile.