Why So Many Different Loan Types Exist

When it comes to business, there’s one thing everyone needs to get started: financing. This can come in a variety of forms, the number of which can be confusing. What do you turn to when you have specific needs and a budget to adhere to? What about the amount of variance in these things? There’s a lot to keep in mind when applying for a loan, so let’s try to make things a little simpler.

Loans exist to service the consumer, and banks exist to give it out. That’s how they make their profit: by helping you make yours, and then demanding interest on your repayments. With this in mind, there’s two big factors involved in why different loan types exist, and here’s a quick rundown of what’s on the market.

Because Every Lender has their Own Interest Rate

Some loans don’t even have interest generated and added on. When it comes to capital one, a small business line of credit means you only have to pay back what you use. If the credit just sits in a bank account, there’s no interest added and no need to give it back. This is a loan that’s virtually risk free, but of course you have to fill a criteria to get it. And being able to show that your business makes good profit and will be able to pay it back no questions asked is not something a lot of people can be sure to keep up with.

If you have a personal loan, them the interest rate is sure to skyrocket. If you’re not looking to finance a business, getting these small amounts is beneficial. Similarly, if you have a credit card, you’re likely to spend and keep on spending as it’s a popular method of payment and it seems everyone has one. But once again, the interest rate can skyrocket due to the popularity and likely overspending of the amount on a card.

Because Credit Scores Vary

As someone in business or not, you have at least one credit score. Yes, there can be more than one number to your name. Because of these multiple numbers, credit scores can be a lot more accurate, and predict your likeliness to go into debt when you can’t make up with payments after a certain period.

Credit scores mean a lot to a lender, and that’s why they’re so integral to different loan types. Credit scores dictate what you can and can’t get because of your payback period or payment rate. Loans have to be different to service these needs. Even if you have bad credit, you can find a lender to service your needs. As long as you have a credit score, or a prediction on your finances, you can guarantee there’s a loan waiting for you.

To go into more detail, a lot of your own research will be required, so set aside time. Yet, these reasons are a good starting point if you’re considering taking out your own loan.

How Can a Brochure Help Your Business

The company brochure has a rich history. It’s been an affordable way for businesses to share information about their products and services for decades. Since the days when it first became possible to run off a few hundred brochures with pictures and a few well-chosen words to inspire prospective customers to part with their money, there’s been a use for this classic sales tool.

Let’s look a little deeper at how different kinds of brochures can help market your business, event or activity better than it’s done today.

The Promotional Brochure

The most basic use of a brochure is as a promotional tool to introduce a new prospective customer to the brand or company. In many cases, they’ve never heard of your company, but something has peaked their interest. Rather than look around your showroom not knowing what to consider first, being able to hand them a ready-made brochure is an excellent way to direct their initial interest in a productive way.

Staff can flip through the pages to highlight areas of interest for them based on asking a couple of initial questions to see what their needs are. With a brochure that’s organised into logical sections covering activities, history, product lines or another way that divides up the information so it makes sense, the staff can help move prospective customers forward in their decision-making process.

The Product Brochure

A product brochure features either a selection of your best-selling or latest releases. In some cases, a full catalogue is created which covers your entire product line, but this is less common now. When walking into a UK showroom, being able to find a brochure with some of the products available is a fast-track way to see what the business offers. As long as the sales staff know their products well, they can then greet the customer and augment whatever information is already provided in the product brochure once they know which item the customer is most interested in.

With cheap brochure printing, it’s even possible to come out with a monthly brochure printed as a limited run to provide information on the latest releases which is the reason many customers visit a retail shop in the first place. Print brochures take some of the initial workload off the sales staff too which allows them to direct their energies more effectively to close a sale more often.

If you’re planning on producing a monthly magazine style brochure, you’re likely going to need a lot of copies to distribute. This means that you’re going to have to research a brochure printing company who can handle high-quantity orders. One company known for this is print24 who can print in batches of up to 50,000. If this is something you know you’ll need, you can read more about the service on their brochure printing page.

The Trade Show Brochure

For businesses that go to the expense of renting a booth at an industry trade show, it’s critical that they have both informational and promotional products for attendees to take away. The list of possible items runs the gamut from branded t-shirts to coffee mugs to several brochures covering the various brands and product lines.

Grabbing the attention of people at a trade show isn’t easy. It requires great design to get the most out of the latest brochure printing to deliver an eye-catching handout that will get the person returning to the booth to follow up later. For businesses in the beauty market, having several print magazines covering beauty tips and a few of your select products added for good measure is a good way to go. Also, don’t skimp on the trade booth design which gets people into the booth in the first place.

Brochure vs. Magazine

It depends on what you wish to share with customers whether you should use magazine printing or get a brochure printed up. Magazines tend to include more glossy photos and a greater number of pages. The binding tends to be fixed with a magazine, whereas a brochure has a variety of available bindings that all work well.

When the material is going to be browsed together, then a spiral binding makes it easier to open it up at a page and keep it there for a longer look. A salesperson wanting to point out the benefits of a product or service is aided when the page stays open where they need it so they can focus on the customer.

Getting the Ordering Right

It’s important to consider the shelf life of the brochure before ordering. Will it be used to promote this month’s special offers, contain information relevant for the current quarter or provide some historical perspective to extend its relevance? You want to order enough copies so that you don’t run out, but not so many that an extremely topical brochure no longer has much relevance. Therefore, a balance must be struck between the size of the print run, how many brochures are expected to be required, and the shelf life or usefulness of the information contained therein. Doing so maximises the value that the business receives from each batch of printed brochures.

Brochures are very useful to a business. Any company that meets customers face-to-face or has a need to send out product or company information in the mail will certainly find a brochure helpful.

Technology Investments That’ll Improve Your Business’s Organization

In today’s modern environment, a business needs to be making use of the full range of technology available to them in every aspect of their enterprise. Technology has made it easier than ever before to keep in contact with suppliers, listen to customers and what they have to say, and increase your presence through the internet. In short, through making effective use of technology, you will enable yourself to have a more effective business, and one that can be run much more tightly. Here, then, are just some of the ways in which technology can have a positive benefit to your business’ organization.

Communication and Interaction

There is such a wide range of ways to communicate with one another in today’s society that it is impossible to list them all. Studies have shown that the average digital consumer does in fact own 3.6 digital devices. But the sheer volume of ways that technology has afforded us should mean that you should always be able to get speaking to someone that you need to, employee or customer. Furthermore, with the extensive range of methods available to you, you should always be able to find a way that suits you, your business, and your methods, whether that be a phone call, a text message, or an e-mail. And with the internet, you can have a much greater freedom of access to information and contacts instantly, as well as quick access to all elements of your business with just the touch of a button or the swipe of a finger.

Apps and Software

There are a staggering number of tools, programs and software available to you in order to assist with all the elements of the organization of your business. Sites such as www.weaveability.com, for example, offer SAP tools that make all of the data about your business available in one place, with access to real-time updates from both your consumers and your suppliers. This makes it much easier to keep a watchful eye over what is going on within all areas of your business, as well as the fact that you can receive vital updates as soon as they occur and wherever you are, with data able to be synced across all your devices.

Document Management

There is also a wide range of document management software available for you to take advantage of. Such software will enable you to increase your business’s productivity and organization via a direct elimination of any need for entering data manually, routine maintenance or filing. Let technology do the brunt of this work for you-and, indeed, let it do it better and more efficiently than a living person ever could. The virtues of an automated system have long been documented and recorded, and while they are not faultless, in many respects they are clearly superior. With an automated system, the margin for error is much reduced, while you can spare valuable manpower for jobs that really require a human touch.

How to Help Employees Communicate by Email More Effectively

Email is still considered the primary communication tool in the business world. Today’s business landscape may have shifted further towards video conferences and short messaging platforms, but the majority of formal business communications are still conducted via email. There is no sign of emails being replaced by other means of communication either.

Despite the common use of emails, not all professionals know how to use them properly. This is exactly why we still see mistakes such as incorrectly using CC instead of BCC happening in the real world. As an employer, you can play a more active role in helping employees communicate by email more effectively.

Email-Related Training

Despite the importance of emails, most email etiquette and skills are learned through experience and real-world practice. Sure, there are a lot of resources and websites that specifically share email-related knowledge and tips. That said, very little formal training is provided in school or corporate training programs.You can reduce the number of mistakes your employees make when communicating via email by providing them with such training programs. They are easy to find and will even help employees fine-tune their email content for effective business communication.

It is also a good idea to provide employees with training on the tools available to them. In Outlook, for example, you can sort emails automatically, forward emails with certain marks to other recipients, and even automate everyday email tasks (i.e. adding a calendar entry for meetings and invitations).

The Right Tools for the Job

There are also additional tools designed to really boost email productivity and effectiveness. Customer Relationship Management or CRM platforms, for example, are capable of handling, logging, and documenting email communication. These comprehensive databases enable sales officers to keep track of their conversations with clients without ever missing a beat.

The same can be said for research tools. Let’s say you want your sales team to connect with new potential clients. Provide them with a tools such as The Email Finder to be able to research and verify email addresses. Click here to learn more about email verification can really boost your employees’ email productivity.


Monitoring is always a tricky subject to discuss. Is it ethical to monitor business emails sent from @yourcompany.com email addresses? Ethics debates aside, email monitoring is a proven way of boosting the effectiveness of business emails nonetheless.

As previously mentioned, CMS platforms can now keep track of email communications between sales officers and clients. That simple tracking feature is very valuable when it comes to developing strong relationships with clients since it allows your employees to personalize the tone of the conversation based on past emails.

Tracking also gives you, the employer, a clear picture of how emails are helping the business thrive. This, along with the previous tips we covered in this article, will help you assist employees in using their email addresses more effectively.

Improving Your Industrial Business Climate By Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

It is one of the most important aspects of running a business in the modern world, its impact on the environment that cannot be underestimated. Whether you are running a business that uses a lot of electricity all the way through to something that makes a bigger carbon footprint, like an industrial business. There are many ways to improve your business so it can be a lot more environmentally ethical in this respect, so let’s go through some of the basics and make sure that you are up to speed.

Working With Like Minded Clients

Practicing sustainability is not just something you need to do in-house, but it’s something that you need to think about on every step of the chain, from where you purchased your equipment, all the way through to your suppliers. When you look at equipment like rig mats from Northern Mat, you can see that this company are continuously working to reduce environmental impacts through the everyday processes and equipment they make. It’s important that you align yourself with the company with the right ethical outlooks, especially as the government policies and regulations are becoming increasingly stricter with every passing year. Every aspect of your equipment in an industrial framework is a potentially dangerous item of machinery that has a big impact on your carbon footprint as a whole.

Making Your Business Sustainable From The Ground Up

An environmentally conscious business isn’t just something to benefit the planet, nowadays it’s a key part of how you attract clients and how you do business, so it needs to be part of your overall business operation. Potential clients will look to see how you are dealing with sustainability, not just on the ground level, that’s all the way up the ranks, through to your business plans and processes. It’s not enough to make it appear like you are covering your bases in this respect, it needs to be part of your whole ethos.

Replacing Your Raw Materials

Running an industrial business is a big drainer of raw materials, so it’s important for you to replace those, not just because of the moral obligation, but it also sets a good example to other businesses to do the same. A very simple example of this is to offset the devastation of deforestation in the world, so if you are a business that uses a lot of paper, planting the equivalent number of trees to replenish the paper you are using is a small step to show your intentions with the future of the planet.

Long gone are the days of recycling being a cutting-edge approach to helping save the planet. It’s an automatic approach to the way everybody looks after the planet now. So you need to make sure that you are imbuing your company with the best possible ways to cut back on damaging Mother Earth. From the products to the processes, and everything in between, it’s time to put your thinking cap on if you’re working on building an industrial company.