Things To Ask Your IT Support Provider Before Signing

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Outsourcing large tasks and functions is fast becoming the thing to do in business because of the success it can offer, and the top of that list is IT support. Of course, this is an utterly logical thing to do because it will take the technical pressures off you and allow you to stay focused on the core operations of your company while saving a buck or two. But that doesn’t mean you should just hand over your responsibilities to the first IT support provider you come across.

When it comes to looking for a reliable technical support provider, you need to do your Due Diligence, and an easy way to do this is to ask your prospective providers a series of questions to help you understand what sort of fit they will be. So, here’s a few ideas to get you underway:

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What Is Your Experience With Small Companies?

You’ll learn that a lot of IT support companies, like Sphere IT in London, concentrate on large installations and services because it allows for a better economy of scale, which means you’ll need will get lost or confused. As such, ask to see a list of their client portfolio or ask them about the smaller-sized clients they serve. This will give you a better understanding of their operations and whether they will best suit your needs.

How Do We Know You Can Protect Our Sensitive Data?

One of the most important reasons of having an IT support company come on board is to protect your data, so you need to know they are capable of doing this. The techniques hackers use these days are becoming more and more sophisticated and so it is imperative you find experienced digital data defence pros for business. This is where their record comes in. A prospective IT support company needs to be able to prove they have a fantastic track record in protecting their client’s sensitive data. If they fail to do this, then your business may fail to continue operating.

What Level of Support Will They Offer?

Most companies will ask you what sort of support you will need and then offer you a service based on that requirement, so make sure you come to a deal that suits you and that it is detailed in your service agreement. To give you a little bit of advice on this one, make sure you discuss specific areas like phone, email and chat support, as well as remote management if you have employees or contractors that work from home or on the road. You’ll also want to know how often they can visit your office to perform maintenance checkups.

How Are They With Long-Term Partnerships?

Quite simply, the longer the supplier can commit to a partnership the better fit they will be for your company. The reason for this is most network equipment lasts for years and years and years, while most support arrangements only stand for two to three. Of course, this can usually be extended to around five years if needed and if favourable. So find out what sort of agreement they prefer and then see how this will fit in with your organisation.

How Your Business Benefits From Proactive Thinking

A quality that every business needs to be successful is proactive thinking. Proactive companies put a heavy emphasis on planning ahead. They’re forward-thinking businesses that always plan for disaster, always have a roadmap to follow, and they never lose sight of their dreams. The major advantage of having a proactive work culture is so that when a problem does occur, your business isn’t hindered by that fact and, as a result, you can get back on your feet as soon as possible.

For instance, imagine if your company suffers from a catastrophic loss of data due to a hard drive failing. Customer data, order history and other crucial information could be lost to hard drive corruption, and without a continuity plan, your business will most likely collapse because of this blunder. Proactive thinking would have several different countermeasures in place. For starters, having a cloud storage solution or an off-site backup could mitigate losses, and an IT professional that performs regular maintenance could have prevented this from happening.

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Making Future Plans

A successful business owner should have a great sense of foresight. For instance, they should be able to capitalise on new trends, they should have the ability to guess when copycats will attempt to steal their product, and they’ll have all of the necessary service and employees ready to fight in their corner. The most effective way to combat threats as they come is to simply make future plans at the correct time.

For instance, by hiring an IT consultant such as Dyrand, you’ll be able to secure the future of all your IT equipment and technology. Of course, you don’t need to hire a consultant straight away especially if you are already somewhat tech-savvy, but you won’t always be able to take care of IT maintenance if you are the business owner and eventually you’ll need to employ technology that could be outside of your area of expertise.

To be a proactive company you need to always plan ahead. You have to put a heavy emphasis on preparing for future growth and problems as they come up. It’s never a good idea to plan too far ahead in the future and you don’t want to leave things to the last minute either. Recognise problem areas before they become a problem, and you’ll be surprised at how smooth your business will operate.

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Taking Chances

A positive benefit of becoming a proactive company is your ability to take advantage of trends as they appear. For instance, maybe there’s a specific product you specialise in that has become a highly sought after product. Perhaps the market itself develops in a way that allows you to capitalise on it, or maybe you see a hole in the market that hasn’t been filled yet.

Becoming a successful business involves taking risks. After all, if you spend too long in your comfort zone you won’t be able to capitalise on the opportunities presented to you. Technology is always improving and, as a result, constantly provides us with a steady stream of new opportunities to take advantage of. If your company infrastructure doesn’t allow for a swift reaction to market trends, then you’re going to fall behind your competitors and you will never be a well-known industry leader.