What are the Best Collaboration Options for Modern Businesses?

As businesses increasingly move their operations to digital platforms, and in particular to cloud space, even the most traditional staples of running an organization are being improved by embracing technology.

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Gemma Walford is head of Sales and Account Management for Convene for the EU region. She has extensive experience of the Public sector and is interested in improving productivity and business change.

The Disadvantages of Using E-mail to Sell

Some sales people think using email to sell everything is the best idea. But the truth is…it’s really not. It is not a good idea to replace calls with emails when contacting a potential new client. Some people use email to sell products, to avoid the humiliation of rejection. Also the major disadvantage of taking this approach is that there can be a possibility of not getting an email while awaiting a transaction related to a sales process.

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John MontanaJohn Montana has been a successful salesman since 1990. He currently lives with his wife and travels between Chicago and Los Angeles. He created his site – ABMSNOW to offer tips and ideas on how to become better at selling… no matter what your product is.

How To Increase Corporate Success With Holistic Wellness

When workplace wellness programs incorporate holistic approaches, success levels go up, workplace happiness goes up, and the cost incurred by management stays resolutely the same. So what’s the secret?

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Dan ColganDan Colgan, CEO of Rock Paper Team, understands the powerful role such activities can have in combating summer burnout. When fighting a losing battle, it’s more important than ever that employers take proactive measures against a predictable dip in productivity.

Development Program Offered for Veterans Working on Their “Career 2.0”

Development Program Offered for Veterans Working on Their Career 2.0It’s estimated that during the next few years, more than 1 million members of the U.S. military will transition into civilian careers.

For many, that transition is difficult. Not because the veterans lack the skills and drive to be successful contributors in their new roles, but because they – and their new employers – have a difficult time translating their military accomplishments into non-military positions.

That’s why leadership and talent consulting experts at Korn Ferry Hay Group are teaming up with partners Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) and Harris Corporation to offer the Leveraging Military Leadership Program (LMLP).

The pro bono program is designed to guide successful transitions from military to civilian careers and is open to veterans of any rank who separated from military service in the last two years or who will transition in the next 12 months. To date, more than 350 service members from all branches of the military have participated in this pro bono program. In 2015, the program was honored with Chief Learning Officer Magazine’s Silver Award for Community Service.

As part of the program, a team of global leadership experts will take veterans through a three-month program composed of online, remote, and in-person assessments; coaching; instruction; group exercises; and lectures. The in-person portion of the program for the eighth and ninth cohorts will take place Friday, September 16 through Sunday, September 18 in Herndon, Virginia, and September 30 – October 2, 2016 in McLean, Virginia, respectively. Veterans will receive the same research-based leadership development services Hay Group offers to boards, CEOs, and senior executives at leading global organizations.

The Leveraging Military Leadership Program teaches veterans how to strengthen their personal, interpersonal, and executive communication skills, clearly articulate their unique value, and chart their professional journey based on a strong career strategy. We have had the privilege of working with some of the finest military professionals as they explore their Career 2.0.

The program has also garnered tremendous support from past participants.

“The Leveraging Military Leadership Program increased my self-awareness, gave me more confidence, and most of all helped me formulate an effective transition strategy. This helped me land the exact job in federal financial management I wanted,” said Christopher Cizek, retired Navy Commander with 22 years of service. “The perspectives I gained continue to help me succeed in my new career.”

“An extremely insightful, innovative, and pragmatic course, the Leveraging Military Leadership Program was both professionally challenging and personally enriching,” said Kelly McKeague, retired Air Force Major General with 34 years of service. “It stretched my perspectives, armed me with invaluable tools, and enabled me to hone my transition focus. Two tangible outcomes were my ability to better tap into non-traditional networks and to articulate a more resonating personal story.”

Online applications are being accepted through Aug. 1, 2016

About the Author

Randy Manner, a retired Army Major General and Korn Ferry Senior Partner, is a passionate supporter of our nation’s Veterans and works with clients to develop or improve their Veteran Recruiting & Retention programs.

The non-secret formula that makes a great salesperson

Why are salespeople great?
What makes salespeople successful?
What characteristics make up a sales superstar?

Wouldn’t you like to know the answer to these questions?
So would every salesperson.
So would every sales leader.
So would every person who hires a salesperson.

By understanding what criteria sales managers and business owners look for in a salesperson, you may be able to determine how those characteristics fit into your own personal success formula.

Everybody tells me they wanna hire a great salesperson. They go through the expensive gyrations of outsourcing, in-sourcing, testing, interviewing and finally hiring. Then they train with some intensive orientation and a week or two of product sales skills, investing all the while in their hopeful rookie. Yet the turnover rate of salespeople is pegged at 74% in the first year. So evidently, there’s a gap between who you think is great, and who is actually great.

I’ve been collecting great salesperson characteristics from many different sales managers and entrepreneurs. They’ll all give me “hiring” criteria and characteristics. But what they really mean is, “I need this person to have these skills in order to succeed in my company.”

QUESTION: Do you hire for skills, and fire for attitude? Why don’t you hire for attitude and train the skill? I have encountered hundreds of salespeople who claim to be great. Many of them are cynical and broke. The ones who really are great, don’t have to brag about it. They carry their own water, chop their own wood, mind their own business, and don’t have to talk about how great they are, because they have a positive attitude, a positive customer base, a positive success record, and a positive bank account to prove it. Their results do the talking.

It’s funny that every person who has ever bragged to me about what a great salesman or saleswoman they are, has never bragged to me about what a great person they are. And if I’m doing the hiring, I’m going to start with a great person, not a great salesperson.

The lesson here is that attitude and work ethic are more important than sales skill. If they have a great attitude, and a solid work ethic, they will accept learning new skills as a way of life and a path to success. If a person’s attitude is lacking, they fall into the category of “you can’t teach an old (sales)dog new tricks.”

And then there’s the character of the person. If you have a great salesperson with a rotten character, what do you do? You fire them, that’s what you do.

Here’s an easy unscientific answer to uncover the skill set, criteria, and characteristics of a great salesperson. Go back, and list the best ten salespeople you have ever known. Don’t forget to include yourself. Leave some space to list their characteristics. Maybe make a spreadsheet listing their names across the top of the page. Then compile your list of great characteristics down the side, and begin checking boxes for each salesperson.

When you begin to chart the characteristics of great salespeople you have known or hired, you’ll find that several of their characteristics are the same. Especially those of deep belief, ability to build relationships, ability to self-start, and ability to maintain a positive attitude.

You’ll also discover that every sales superstar you’ve ever known had individual characteristics or strengths that made him or her rise above the others. Maybe it was the fact she was a single mom. Maybe it was the fact he had overcome some tragedy. Or maybe it was just personal determination. Maybe it was their athleticism and their willingness to be coached that created the discipline for them to succeed.

It’s important that you list every one of these elements so that you’re able to develop a full set of criteria. This will allow you to measure that criteria against yourself, and your coworkers. It will also aid you in the selection process as you seek another sales star.

Here’s an idea: why not list all the criteria and create a self-evaluation test. Ask people (yourself included) to rate themselves in each of the sales characteristics. This will give them, and you, insight as to strengths and weaknesses, so that they (you) will know where to grow.

I’ve developed 13.5 characteristics compiled from salespeople and sales managers over the years. They will appear right here – NEXT WEEK.

Reprinted with permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer.

About the Author

Jeffrey GitomerJeffrey Gitomer is the author of The Sales Bible, Customer Satisfaction is Worthless Customer Loyalty is Priceless, The Little Red Book of Selling, The Little Red Book of Sales Answers, The Little Black Book of Connections, The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude, The Little Green Book of Getting Your Way, The Little Platinum Book of Cha-Ching, The Little Teal Book of Trust, The Little Book of Leadership, and Social BOOM! His website, www.gitomer.com, will lead you to more information about training and seminars, or email him personally at [email protected].