Recommended Resource – Born to Win

Born To Win: The Ultimate Seminar
by Zig Ziggler

About the Reference

Born To Win: The Ultimate Seminar by Zig Ziggler is an inspiring program focused on helping individuals recognize their value and potential. The program then provides insights as to how to unlock that potential by:

  • Achieving balance in seven key areas
  • Developing and maintaining a winning attitude
  • Building stronger professional and personal relationships
  • Becoming a better leader, employee, and parent through more effective communications

Benefits of Using this Reference

StrategyDriven Contributors like Born To Win because Zig recognizes what prevents many individuals from achieving their full potential and his methods provide real solutions to overcoming these barriers. His style and humor draws in seminar participants/listeners; making the principles presented easy to understand and relate to and the seminar itself engaging. If we had one criticism of the audio seminar it would be that the methods presented are not more actionably detailed.

The principles presented in Born To Win are well aligned with StrategyDriven‘s recommended personal performance improvement and leadership practices; making Born To Win a StrategyDriven recommended resource.

Pure Accountability

One of the reasons I have always loved high school wrestling as a sport is that a competitor lives and dies on his or her own merits… yes… females are becoming more prevalent in High School wrestling. One of the aspects of the sport that has always attracted me is that when you lose there is no one else to blame.

You can’t hide behind ‘the team’. You are out there on your own. This creates a certain sense of urgency and determination to win. It’s embarrassing to be beaten in front of hundreds of spectators… much less be pinned!

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About the Author

Jeff Kortes is known as the ‘No Nonsense Guy.’ He is the President of Human Asset Management LLC, a human resource consulting firm specializing in executive search and leadership training. He has trained hundreds of first-line supervisors, managers, and executives during his career. His approach to training is no-nonsense, and practical.

Jeff is also a member of the National Speakers Association and a regular speaker on the topics of retention, recruiting and leadership. For more information, visit

Rapport: The Key To Sales

Every sales person knows how important good communication is in building business relationships. But have you ever thought about what it takes to build instant rapport with anyone?

One time I was on a business trip, and due to a series of events I had to get a hotel room with no reservation. I called several brand name hotels only to be told they were booked. But I went to one of the hotels I had called and used some specific techniques to build rapport with the woman at the front desk.

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About the Author

Matthew B. James, MA, Ph.D., author of The Foundation of Huna: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times, is President of Kona University and its training and seminar division The Empowerment Partnership, where he serves as a master trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a practical behavioral technology for helping people achieve their desired results in life. To read Dr. James complete biography, click here.

Practices for Professionals – Sign Everything

Some find it very uncomfortable to “blow their own horn.” They shy away from the public spotlight and, instead, derive their own sense of accomplishment through simply being acknowledged for a job well done.

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For a Powerful Presentation, Begin with a Bang, Finish with a Flourish

Planning a presentation? Once you’ve analyzed your audience and determined what you want to say, give lots of attention to the presentation’s two most critical parts: the opening and the close. They’re the parts the audience will remember best – and each of them serves a vital purpose.

Begin with a Bang

Begin the presentation by seizing everyone’s attention with what we at Communispond call ‘the grabber’. Wake them up. Shake them up. Involve them. Create an opening that makes the audience members put away their hand-held gizmos and focus on what you’re saying.

Among the most compelling of grabbers is a dramatic story. That’s because everyone loves a story. We’ve loved them from early childhood, since mankind’s early beginnings and they’re loved across all cultures. Telling a story does much more than command the audience’s attention, though. It helps you make an emotional connection with everyone.

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About the Author

Bill Rosenthal is the Chief Executive Officer of Communispond Inc., an organization that has taught business communications skills to more than 600,000 persons. Bill is responsible all aspects of the business including sales, marketing, content development, and the delivery of Communispond courses by certified faculty. Prior to joining Communispond, Bill was CEO of Digi-Block Inc., a K-12 education publisher focusing on mathematics. He also served as President of Kaplan College, a division of Kaplan Inc., the well-known test preparation company, where he developed and launched the online college that offers Associates and Bachelors degrees and certificates in Business, Information Technology, Nursing, and Law. In a previous role as President of Ziff-Davis Education (now called Element K), Bill oversaw the leading supplier of computer training products worldwide and supervised the operations of ZD University, the leading web-based computer skills site.