The Shortest Path to Higher Revenue

The fastest way to find out what your next customer wants to buy, and how they want to buy it, is to ask your previous customers what they were looking for and how they went about buying it from you. In other words, if you want to increase your revenue, reverse-engineer your successful sales.

The information you gather, and the customer-driven actions you take afterwards, will start you on a fast track to higher revenue. Everything your company does – from product development to after-sale support – will be more attractive to customers and generate the kind of revenue momentum that makes it fun to come to work every day.

Taking this approach eliminates the chronic problems that plague marketing and selling efforts, including:

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About the Author

Kristin Zhivago is a Revenue Coach to companies of all sizes. She helps CEOs and entrepreneurs increase their revenue, by understanding what their customers really want to buy from them and how they want to buy it. Clients have included IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Dow Jones, Bazaarvoice, and hundreds of other companies. Kristin also speaks worldwide on the subject of increasing revenue, marketing, sales, and social media. To read Kristin Zhivago’s complete biography, click here.

Corporate Cultures – Culture’s Impact on How Work Gets Done

An organization’s culture, its collectively shared values system, profoundly impacts what work is performed, when work is performed, and how work is performed. And the culture driver has as much if not more influence on the results achieved as does the organization’s land, labor, capital, technology, and intellectual property resources.

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The Happiness Advantage: Paradise Lost and Found

Excerpt from The Happiness Advantage

Around the time that Harvard was founded, John Milton wrote in Paradise Lost, “The Mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”

Three hundred years later, I observed this principle come to life. Many of my students saw Harvard as a privilege, but others quickly lost sight of that reality and focused only on the workload, the competition, the stress.

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About the Author

Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work, spent over a decade at Harvard University where he won numerous distinguished teaching awards for his work. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and earned a Masters from Harvard Divinity School in Christian and Buddhist ethics. In 2006, he was Head Teaching Fellow for ‘Positive Psychology,’ the most popular course at Harvard at the time. In 2007, Shawn founded Good Think Inc. to share his research with a wider population. When the global economy collapsed in 2008, Shawn was immediately called in as an expert by the world’s largest banks to help restart forward progress. Subsequently, Shawn has spoken in 45 countries to a wide variety of audiences: bankers on Wall Street, students in Dubai, CEOs in Zimbabwe. Shawn’s research on happiness and human potential have received attention from the Harvard Business Review, New York Times, Forbes, CNN, and NPR. To read Shawn Anchor’s full biography, click here.

Leadership Inspirations – Continuous Learning

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.”

Mohandas Gandhi (1869 – 1948)
Political and ideological leader of India during the Indian independence movement. Pioneered satyagraha – resistance to tyranny through mass civil resistance

Are You Ready to Declare War?

There are millions of companies in the world.

Most fail far short of the owners’ ambitions. You would think they fail or frustrate for millions of reasons.

But there are really only four.

How can that be? Only four? Yes and I will explain.

Let me start with the first:

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About the Author

Mark Stevens is the author of Your Company Sucks: It’s Time to Declare War on Yourself (BenBella Books, August 2011) and CEO of MSCO, a results-driven management and marketing firm, and a popular media commentator on business matters, including marketing, branding, management and sales. To read Mark Stevens’ full biography, click here.