StrategyDriven Welcomes Rachelle Zimmerman

The StrategyDriven family is proud to introduce Rachelle Zimmerman as our Website Editor! As StrategyDriven‘s Website Editor, she oversees all online content development and publishing.

Rachelle is a connoisseur of various online marketing methodologies. She has consulted with numerous firms and contributed to the development and implementation of their marketing strategies, specifically for search engine optimization and social media marketing, in order to expand their web presence and visibility. Her strategies integrate every aspect of SEO and social media marketing from start to finish.

Rachelle particularly enjoys keyword research for SEO campaigns, since it appeals to her more analytical thought process. Ironically, she also enjoys writing and blogging, both for SEO blogs and in general, for the creative outlet that it provides her. Rachelle’s love of language has served her well both in terms of writing as well as proofreading and editing.

Originally from New Jersey, Rachelle currently attends Bar Ilan University in Jerusalem, Israel.

Rachelle can be contacted at: [email protected]

Alternative Selection – Total Cost of Ownership

All too often, executives and planners focus on the cost of implementing a project and omit recognition of the other associated costs accompanying the resulting outputs once the project is completed. Even if those costs are accounted for, other hidden costs, such as the reduction of future operational flexibility and options, can be overlooked. Overlooking these costs can significantly impact an initiative’s return on investment; inappropriately inflating the investment’s value to a point where an otherwise unacceptable pursuit appears to be worthwhile. Therefore, when selecting from among the myriad of business operations and initiative opportunities it is important to fully examine the total cost of ownership.

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Additional Information

Many project costs often go unrecognized. StrategyDriven’s Project Management Warning Flag – Unfunded Activities provides additional insights to the warning signs indicating not all project costs are being appropriately included in overall cost estimates.