Uncrapify Your Life!

Hello. I’m Jeff Havens, here to help you become the worst you can be. Today we’re going to focus on how to more effectively criticize others. Now I’m sure some of you are thinking, “That doesn’t seem very nice.” And it isn’t. That’s not the point. Pay attention, people, the purpose of this article is to help you uncrapify your life, not anybody else’s. And seriously, what could make you feel better than making those around you feel bad? This is something you’ve been doing since you were a child. But until now your efforts have been those of an amateur. I, however, am a professional. I’ve been criticizing people for a living now for the past seven years, and I’ve developed a foolproof system to help you feel better at the expense of those around you.

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About the Author

Jeff Havens is a former comedian turned college and corporate speaker. His latest comedy lecture, How to Get Fired!, helps prepare college students for their professional lives by ‘encouraging’ them to do each of the top ten things that most commonly cost people their jobs. The accompanying book, How to Get Fired!: The New Employee’s Guide to Perpetual Unemployment, is available in all popular retail outlets and online at www.Amazon.com and www.jeffhavens.com.

Diversity and Inclusion Best Practice 1 – Know the Holidays

We live and work in a diverse world and yet so many of our social practices revolve around the traditions of the regional majority culture. One such tradition is that of holidays. It is often customary for governments and corporations to set aside as days of rest those holidays reflective of not just the nation’s heritage but also that of the religious faith and cultural background of the majority of its citizens. While sizable in number, those in the minority frequently have their holidays go unrecognized. To customers, peers, and subordinates practicing different customs, the lack of recognition comes across as highly insensitive and disrespectful.

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StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective – Reengineering Healthcare

StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective podcasts examine the unnecessary marketplace uncertainty created by today’s headline events and the actions business leaders should take to ensure their organizations succeed under these circumstances.

In Reengineering Healthcare, we are joined by Jim Champy, author of Reengineering Health Care: A Manifesto for Radically Rethinking Health Care Delivery. Jim shares his thoughts on the recently enacted healthcare law and what business leaders can do to help promote better health and wellness among their workforce, including:

  • the fundamental issues with our current healthcare system and whether the recently passed healthcare reforms will adequately address these challenges
  • how reengineering can lead to more efficient, safer delivery of healthcare services
  • the role business leaders should play in reengineering the healthcare system
  • methods leaders can use to promote wellness within their workforce

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About the Author

Jim Champy, author of Reengineering Health Care: A Manifesto for Radically Rethinking Health Care Delivery, is Chairman Emeritus of Consulting at Dell Services. He is recognized throughout the world for his work on leadership and management issues and on organizational change and business reengineering. Jim’s first book, Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution, sold more than 3 million copies and spent more than a year on The New York Times best seller list. He also authored the best seller, Reengineering Management: The Mandate for New Leadership, which was recognized by Business Week as one of the top ten best business books of 1995. His columns and articles appear in such magazines a Forbes, ComputerWorld, Sales and Marketing Management, Leader to Leader, and Baseline. To read Jim’s full biography, click here.

Leadership Inspirations – The Enemy of Greatness

“Good is the enemy of great.”

Jim Collins
American business consultant, author, and lecturer on the subject of company sustainability and growth

Leading Through Turbulent Times

While working as senior talent leaders for a global organization that went through a 2.5 billion dollar scandal (not counting peripheral damages) when the Chairman confessed to “cooking the books” causing the near bankruptcy and closure of the company, we had the opportunity to observe and be a part of culture’s true influence. During turbulent times, like those we have been going through, leadership is not determined by rank but by the strength of the talent and conviction to build the relationships necessary to bring about collaboration and seek solutions. In our situation, leaders came from all areas and from all levels. There was desire, but without knowledge, they required continuous guidance. This is a must-start, high-impact area for learning and development. Learning professionals communicate with leaders, provide advice on how to lead during turbulence, and make available rapid skill enhancement. One such area where learning professionals can have tremendous impact is by educating (yes we mean educating) leaders about how much they influence their organizational culture.

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About the Authors

Ed Cohen & Priscilla Nelson, partners at Nelson Cohen Global Consulting ( www.nelsoncohen.com), provide thought leadership and strategic guidance to leaders and companies around the world. They are co-authors of Riding the Tiger: Leading Through Learning in Turbulent Times (www.ridingthetiger.com) published by ASTD 2010.

Ed has worked in more than 40 countries with organizations including Booz Allen Hamilton, Satyam, Seer Technologies, National Australia Bank, Larson & Toubro and the World Economic Forum. He is the only Chief Learning Officer to lead two companies to ASTD BEST Award #1 ranking; Booz Allen Hamilton and Satyam Computer Services (only company outside United States to achieve this).
Pris has 30 years of experience with Fortune 500 companies around the world. She has received international acclaim for her work in global leadership development, diversity and executive coaching.