StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 43a – An Interview with Diane Katz, author of Win at Work!, part 1 of 2

StrategyDriven Podcasts focus on the tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their organization’s alignment and accountability to ultimately achieve superior results. These podcasts elaborate on the best practice and warning flag articles on the StrategyDriven website.

Special Edition 43a – An Interview with Diane Katz, author of Win at Work!, part 1 of 2 examines how to deal with workplace conflict in a non-confrontational manner that enables everyone involved to win and the organization to function more productively. During our discussion, Diane Katz, author of Win at Work!: The Everybody Wins Approach to Conflict Resolution shares with us her insights and illustrative examples regarding:

  • the harmful impacts destructive conflict has on an organization
  • traits that make conflict destructive rather than constructive
  • observable behaviors, policies, and other structures organizations plagued with ongoing internal conflict possess
  • why destructive conflict goes unresolved

Additional Information

In addition to the invaluable insights Diane shares in Win at Work! and this special edition podcast are the resources accessible from her website,   Diane’s book, Win at Work!, can be purchased by clicking here.

About the Author

Diane Katz is author of Win at Work! and President of The Working Circle, a management consultancy providing organizational development, human resources, and team building training and coaching. For over 15 years, Diane has helped executives and managers in manufacturing, construction, technology, healthcare, government, and nonprofits better deal with workplace conflict using her unique, 8-step non-confrontational method, The Working Circle. To read Diane’s complete biography, click here.

Thank God It’s Monday! Book on Kindle Available at No Cost from August 2-7, 2010

Over the past year, we’ve been privileged to learn about creating a more engaging and motivating workplace environment from Roxanne Emmerich, President and CEO of The Emmerich Group. We are pleased to announce that from now until August 7, 2010, Roxanne has made her bestselling book, Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love (Kindle Edition) available for download at no cost from

This is a very special limited time opportunity where you can get the Kindle version of the TGIM book, but only between August 2nd through the 7th, after that the price goes back up. Even if you already own your own copy of the book, you’ll want to carry the digital version with you on your PC, Kindle or iPad.

Plus, you’ll want to tell all of your friends and colleagues that you care about so they can get it too. Send tweets, Facebook it, blog about it, email and yell it from the roof tops… just make sure you let them know that the Kindle version will only be F-R–E–E between now and August 7, 2010.

Imagine giving them the gift of improving their workplace culture and finding out how to create a workplace where they love what they’re doing… And customers love them too!

This is a limited time offer, sponsored by the publisher to create a massive impact and help companies looking to bust bad attitudes, kick-start sagging sales figures, and create companies that employees love to work FOR and customers love to work WITH.

How to get it? Visit or search using your Kindle Reader device between now and August 7th and shop the Kindle Store for the title: Thank God It’s Monday! by Roxanne Emmerich and then download it.

Want to learn more about Roxanne Emmerich and Thank God It’s Monday!? Listen to the StrategyDriven Podcast interview during which Roxanne shares with us her insights on how to create a workplace that engages the hearts and minds of employees and customers; resulting in increased growth and higher profits.

New Tool Release – Cost of Employee Distraction

StrategyDriven contributors are pleased to announce the release of Diversity and Inclusion – Cost of Employee Distraction.

The cost of employee distraction resulting from acts of incivility is staggering and yet goes largely unrecognized. There is no financial statement line item, no general ledger entry, and no budget explicitly set aside for this expense that can cost an evenly modestly sized company hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.

Using the StrategyDriven Cost of Employee Distraction nomographs and method outlined here, organization leaders can gain a better appreciation for the direct monetary cost associated with employees worrying about and avoiding those committing acts of incivility and begin to better value their diversity and inclusion initiatives.

StrategyDriven Premium Members can access the Cost of Employee Distraction by clicking here.

Not a StrategyDriven Premium Member? Click here to sign-up for your Premium Membership and receive instant access to this and all other StrategyDriven whitepapers, models, and tools and templates.

Introducing the StrategyDriven Employee Engagement Center of Excellence

Learn how to increase productivity and profitability through enhanced employee engagement with the StrategyDriven Employee Engagement Center of Excellence. Base on hundreds of years of real-world business experience, our Center of Excellence contains the practical tools and insights today’s leaders need to improve their employees’ engagement; thereby increasing productivity and profitability.

All too often, employees possess tremendous untapped value. Leaders who more fully engaging their employees begin to unleash this value by inspiring those who work for them to apply the full measure of their creative energy and talent to performing work aligned to the achievement of organizational goals. Winning employees’ trust and commitment is no easy task. Leaders seeking the practical tools and insights to better engage employees need to look no further than the StrategyDriven Employee Engagement Center of Excellence now available on

“The current economic downturn and recent changes in healthcare regulations makes it more important than ever to maximize the value creation of every employee,” explains Karen Juliano, StrategyDriven’s Editor-in-Chief. “StrategyDriven experience and research by the Gallup Organization reveal that companies having world-class levels of employee engagement are 18 percent more productive and 12 percent more profitable than those performing in the bottom quartile. In fact, these companies realize 3.9 times the Earnings Per Share growth rate of low performers within their industry.”

The StrategyDriven Employee Engagement Center of Excellence provides the actionable tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their employees’ level of engagement, thereby increasing productivity and profitability. Our many articles and podcasts cover those topics critical to improving employee engagement including: Management and Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion, Organizational Accountability, Decision-Making, and Business Strategy.

StrategyDriven Centers of Excellence provide executives and managers with the multitude of tools, techniques, and insights needed to not only address but to excel at today’s most challenging business issues. Each Center of Excellence contains a collection of real-world tested tools and hard-won leadership insights based on our contributors’ work with dozens of small, mid, and large size companies with both domestic and international operations across many industries. Collectively, these methods represent the hundreds of years of experience of today’s most sought after leaders – our contributors.