Thriving in the New Economy

Have you ever wanted to get into the minds of some of the most inspirational dealmakers in the business world? After working at CNBC for almost a decade, I have been lucky enough to talk to some of them on a regular basis. Realizing not everyone has that kind of access, I decided to open up my “trillion dollar” rolodex (it’s called that in my industry since I have a trillion dollar money manager, a dozen billionaires and countless millionaires in it) and ask them to open up and reveal some of their winning strategies on how they view a crisis (particularly the fire sale of Bear Stearns, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and the credit crisis) but more importantly *how* and *why* they executed certain strategies. It’s those two elements that make successful leaders.

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About the Author

Lori Ann LaRocco is the author of, Thriving in the New Economy: Lessons from Today’s Top Business Minds and is the Senior Talent Producer at CNBC and one of the producers of the CNBC show Squawk Box.

Leadership Inspirations – Planned Fortune

“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.”

Thomas Edison(1847 – 1931)
American inventor, scientist and businessman

Resource Projection Warning Flag 1 – Assumed Discretionary Effort

Every day, executives, managers, and employees are asked to do more and more with less and less. Sometimes this pressure results in work streamlining, better prioritization and new more efficient methods. At other times, individuals simply accomplish more because they work additional uncompensated hours.

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The Apollo Attitude – When Failure is Not an Option

It’s hard to beat the movie Apollo 13 for drama. Over 200,000 miles from Earth, in the vacuum of space, an explosion disabled a space capsule on its way to the Moon.

The mission was over. And it would have been reasonable to assume the astronauts’ lives were over, too. Yet three days later, the astronauts were standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier.

Then there was the three-masted sailing ship Endurance, which left England in August 1914 under the command of Ernest Shackleton with twenty-eight men determined to cross Antarctica by sled.

The Endurance ended up trapped and crushed to splinters by ice floes. The men lived on the Antarctic ice for another two years.

Total survivors out of the original twenty-eight men? Twenty-eight.

What if you approached every challenge in your life and in your work as if you simply HAD to overcome it? I’ll tell you what – you would do it. You would find a way, and you would get it done.

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About the Author

Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday!: How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon bestseller. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures in a day. Listen to the free 60-second audio with teammates each Monday to clean up the craziness in your workplace and focus on getting massive results. Sign up today at

Leadership Inspirations – What Lies Within

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lives within us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

American essayist, philosopher, and poet