Learn How to Achieve Enterprise Excellence at an Executive One-Day Seminar with Forrest Breyfogle

Competitive pressures are forcing executives to react faster to changing business conditions and customer requirements. Line managers and decision-makers need to have an efficient and effective system for day-to-day business operation with access to performance metrics that lead to the most appropriate activities.

In July 2008, we were privileged to host Forrest Breyfogle, Founder and CEO of Smarter Solutions and author of The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System series on the StrategyDriven Podcast. During our interview, Forrest shared his insights on using the Integrated Enterprise Excellence System (IEE) to improve business performance beyond that achievable through use of Lean Six Sigma or The Balanced Scorecard alone. IEE combines the best practices of earlier tools and methods, like Lean Six Sigma, with innovative analytical techniques to drive financial and operational success at the enterprise level and achieve the three Rs of business, everyone doing the Right things the Right way at the Right time.

And now Forrest is offering a one-day executive seminar where participants will learn how to implement The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System to:

  • increase productivity and eliminate daily firefighting and non-value add activities from business processes
  • sustain a consistent, high-performance team environment and culture
  • improve top- and bottom-line strategies and results in a fierce competitive and global market
  • improve the measurement criteria and report out of high-level business metrics
  • achieve and execute repeatable, strategic business plans

Seminar Details

This session is open to the public and complimentary for leading influencers and decision-makers. Please call (512) 918-0280 to determine if you qualify for this complimentary session.

Executive One-Day: Achieving Enterprise Excellence

June 11, 2009

8 am to 5 pm

Smarter Solutions, Inc.
11044 Research Blvd.
Suite B-400
Austin, Texas 78759

(512) 918-0280


Additional Resource

Find out more about The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System by listening to StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 3 – An Interview with Forrest Breyfogle, author of Integrated Enterprise Excellence, Volume I – The Basics.

Additional Information

Forrest details how to implement The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System in his four book series which can be purchase by clicking on the following links:

Complimenting the outstanding insights contained within The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System series and our special edition StrategyDriven Podcast are the organizational performance improvement materials and resources found on his website, Smarter Solutions (www.SmarterSolutions.com).

Forrest W. Breyfogle III, author of The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System series, is CEO of Smarter Solutions, a global management coaching and consulting firm specializing in the design and application of innovative enterprise-wide performance measures and business solutions. For over 15 years, Forrest has advised company leaders and their teams on how to improve their organization’s performance through the use of his Integrated Enterprise Excellence System. In 2004, Forrest received the prestigious Crosby Medal from the American Society for Quality for his earlier book, Implementing Six Sigma. He serves on the Board of Advisors for the University of Texas Center for Performance Excellence. To read Forrest’s full biography, click here.

The Advisor’s Corner – If I Don’t Measure, Can I Manage?


There are several axioms regarding measurement such as:

  • What gets measured gets done.
  • What gets measured and rewarded gets done well.
  • If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.
  • What gets measured gets managed.

Is it really true that if something is not measured it is not being managed? Not everything can be measured simply because of resource constraints and I would hesitate to assert that these areas subsequently suffer from management neglect. What are your thoughts?

StrategyDriven Response:

The short answer is no. Not measuring something does not necessarily equate to its not being managed. An organization’s limited resources dictate that only a finite number of activities can be directly measured; just as a manager’s limited available time prevents all activities from being directly monitored. But while these cliches do not represent an absolute truth, managers do need to recognize current realities in terms of defined future goals in order to possess the knowledge necessary to formulate their organization’s activities. Performance measures represent one very effective means of acquiring this knowledge on a routine basis with relatively minimal cost.

Therefore, a key manager responsibility is to identify those few performance measures that will best enable him or her to guide their organization in the achievement of the company’s mission goals in the most efficient manner possible. These measures must necessarily monitor the conduct of ongoing production work and support identification and implementation of improvement opportunities. Because an organization’s circumstances and the market environment change over time, the adopted performance measures will likely be changed and/or replaced over time.

Final Thought…

Since having no performance measures is not an option, the real challenge becomes determining what to measure in order to effectively manages while at the same time remaining within the organization’s constrained resource budget. Several StrategyDriven articles, podcasts, and whitepapers are dedicated to the topic of identifying the right performance measures including:




Lastly, it is important to recognize that the reverse is not necessarily true either; having performance measures does not necessarily result in a process or activity being managed or managed well. Performance measures are simply a management tool without which effective management is difficult.

Leadership Inspirations – Making Mistakes

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”

George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950)
Irish playwright and the only person to have been awarded both the Nobel Prize for Literature (1925) and an Oscar (1938)

StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 14 – An Interview with Duane Sparks, author of Sales Strategy from the Inside Out

StrategyDriven Podcasts focus on the tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their organization’s alignment and accountability to ultimately achieve superior results. These podcasts elaborate on the best practice and warning flag articles on the StrategyDriven website.

Special Edition 14 – An Interview with Duane Sparks, author of Sales Strategy from the Inside Out explores how businesses using a consultative sales process realize a dramatic increase in revenues. During our discussion, Duane Sparks, author of Sales Strategy From The Inside Out: How Complex Selling Really Works and Chairman and Founder of The Sales Board, shares with us his insights and illustrative examples regarding:

  • the five decisions individuals go through before making the final decision to buy
  • what the consultative sales process is and how it benefits both the customer and salesperson
  • why questions are the best selling tool and how to develop the best sales questions
  • using the consultative sales process as a management practice

Additional Information

In addition to the invaluable selling skills insight Duane shares in Sales Strategy From The Inside Out and this special edition podcast, please visit his company’s Sales Training or Sales Management site. To discover why this selling skill is so effective at maximizing sales productivity, purchase Duane’s book: Sales Strategy From The Inside Out.

Complimenting Sales Strategy From The Inside Out, are Duane’s four other books on the consultative sales process including:

Read a Summary of the above Sales Books.

Final Request…

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Thank you again for listening to the StrategyDriven Podcast!

About the Author

Duane Sparks, author of Sales Strategy From The Inside Out, is Chairman and Founder of The Sales Board, a Minneapolis-based strategic sales training company that has trained and certified more than 300,000 salespeople in more than 2,500 groups in the system and skills of Action Selling. He has written five sales books, personally facilitated more than 300 Action Selling training sessions and continues to engage in the business and art of the strategic sales process. Read Duane’s full biography and the history of Action Selling Sales Management Training.

Tactical Execution Warning Flag 1 – Incomplete Staff Work

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Warning Flag"The job is not done until the paperwork is signed."

StrategyDriven Contributors

All too often, documentation of job performance is trivialized, viewed as an unimportant impediment to progress and is either not completed or not completed well. What goes unrecognized is the impact this documentation has on performance improvement, equipment reliability, and financial accounting; all of which affect a company's bottom line.

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