Celebrating Our First Year… Looking Toward a Bright Future

Today marks the first anniversary of the StrategyDriven website and what a year we have enjoyed! From a modest beginning on July 1, 2007, we have been joined by 344 registered members and have grown to:

  • 3362 unique monthly visitors – from 54 different countries
  • 10,434 monthly site visits – over 3 visits per visitor
  • 74,993 monthly page views – over 7 pages viewed per site visit

Our website has grown too, now offering insights on strategic business planning and tactical execution through:

  • 147 principle, best practice, and warning flag postings – covering 24 management and leadership categories
  • 19 episodes of the StrategyDriven Podcast
  • 5 whitepapers and
  • 7 models

As a community, we are fortunate to have had several of our members share their insights with us through posted comments including:

Finally, we have been complimented by many reviewers and websites linking to us including:

  • Small Business Trends Radio (www.SmBTrendWire.com)
  • EatonWeb (portal.eatonweb.com)
  • Cision (baconsblog.typepad.com)
  • Podcast Alley (www.PodcastAlley.com) – ranked number 2 or 3 of over 2000 business podcasts in four of the first six months of 2008
  • and over 100 other websites linking to StrategyDriven

Goals for Our Second Year

Seeking to be strategy driven, we have established the following series of goals for our second year. In addition to maintaining the high level of quality you, our readers and listeners, have come to expect, we are committed to providing:

  • 2 new members’ only categories
  • 4 new whitepapers
  • 4 new models
  • a templates area with 4 new templates

Additionally, we will heighten our focus on tactical execution, namely, the management and leadership practices needed to effectively execute the organization’s strategy on a day-to-day basis; creating a more aligned and accountable organization. Management and leadership focus categories will include:

with at least 5 new postings or podcasts in each category

To expand the depth of experience and breadth of perspective offered, we’ll incorporate the insights of additional business leaders through:

  • periodic podcast interviews with management and leadership experts – at least 10
  • 3 articles written by each of at least 2 new contributors

Finally, we’ll seek to grow our community; helping an increasing number of executives and managers create aligned, accountable, and successful organizations. This growth will be reflective of:

  • 1000+ registered members
  • 7500+ unique monthly visitors
  • 25,000+ monthly site visits
  • 200,000+ monthly page views
  • Podcast Alley ranking of 1, 2, or 3 from among all business podcasts for at least 8 of the next 12 months

Thank You!

The StrategyDriven family would like to thank you, our readers and listeners, for helping to make our first year a successful one! We truly value the time you spend with and the insights you offer to us and look forward to the continuing journey ahead.

All the Best,

Karen Juliano
Editor-in-Chief and
Director, Communications and Marketing