Leadership Inspirations – Recognizing Talent

“Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.”

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Author, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Tactical Execution – Some Things Get Better with Time, at least for a while

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution ArticleExperience is almost universally valued. Those possessing it are viewed as being superior; able to perform tasks with more practiced efficiency and more easily recognizing and responding to challenges that would otherwise inhibit forward progress. The question, therefore, is this: “For a given position, will one’s experience-based effectiveness grow without limit?”

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Leadership Inspirations – Ask the Correct Question

“A team has a certain potential. Nevertheless, simply being a team – a group of individuals wearing the same uniform or working at the same company – means little when it comes to realizing its potential. Here’s the question to be asked: ‘We are many, but are we much?’ The role of the leader is to make those ‘many’ become ‘much’.”

John Wooden
Head Coach, UCLA Men’s Basketball Team
Led his team to a record 10 NCAA National Championships and first person named to the NCAA Basketball Hall of Fame as both a player and a coach

StrategyDriven Podcast Episode 19 – Validate the Extremes

StrategyDriven Podcasts focus on the tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their organization’s alignment and accountability to ultimately achieve better results. These podcasts elaborate on the best practice and warning flag posts on the StrategyDriven website.

Episode 19 – Validate the Extremes elaborates on Strategic Analysis Best Practice 8 – Validate the Extremes. This discussion:

  • examines why and under what circumstances models generate less than accurate results
  • provides an example illustrating the kind of model output which could lead decision-makers to take inappropriate action
  • recommends questions analysts should ask to prevent being misled by erroneous model output

Organizational Accountability Best Practice 1 – Fact-Based Management

StrategyDriven Organizational Accountability Best Practice ArticleTo say the accountable organization manages by fact may seem to suggest that a utopia exists, one in which all circumstances can be defined by ones and zeros. Within this utopian organization, executives and managers act to harvest the ones and discard the zeros.

While this is clearly not the case, managing by fact does imply that executives and managers leading accountable organizations strive to eliminate the subjectivity and raw opinion that is sometimes injected into the decision-making process; grounding decisions on a more tangible, objective foundation.

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