StrategyDriven Podcast Episode 17 – The Use of Models

StrategyDriven Podcasts focus on the tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their organization’s alignment and accountability to ultimately achieve superior results. These podcasts elaborate on the best practice and warning flag articles on the StrategyDriven website.

Episode 17 – The Use of Models elaborates on Strategic Analysis Best Practice 5 – The Use of Models. This discussion:

  • elaborates on why models should be used during a strategic analysis
  • identifies the specific benefits and risks of using models
  • describes what to do if a situation arises where an appropriate model is not available to support an evaluation

Strategic Analysis Best Practice 7 – Diverse Models

Solutions addressing today’s multifaceted business challenges and opportunities can be extremely difficult to recognize; the ever increasing pace of change within the business environment further complicating this problem. In order to successfully deal with this challenge, decision-makers need the support of people and tools to help them distill large quantities of data, recognize important business trends, discount temporary fads, and translate their findings into meaningful organizational activities. Because no one analysis perspective will adequately account for all of the important nuances associated with a complex problem, multidiscipline teams and diverse tools should be employed to establish a complete picture organizational performance and environmental conditions. Use of a diverse set of models during the strategic analysis process helps create this needed picture.*

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Business Communications – Common Language

StrategyDriven Business Communications Article | Common Language
Clarity of communication is a critical component of all business transactions. Without understanding, we are prone to execute instructions in a manner different than that desired. So how then, can we as communicators ensure our message is clear and understood by those receiving it?

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About the Author

Karen K. Juliano is StrategyDriven‘s Editor-in-Chief and Director of Communications and Marketing. Prior to joining the StrategyDriven team, she helped produce weekly programming for a Public Access Television station and served as a production assistant in the public affairs office at United States Naval Base, Philadelphia. To read Karen’s complete biography, click here.